KS1 Twycross Zoo Visit

As part of our topic Paws, Claws and Whiskers, we are going to be taking the children to Twycross zoo for an exciting day looking and learning all about the different animals. A guided tour session is also included – ‘who’s who in the zoo?’

The trip will take place on Thursday 8th June 2023. We will depart at 9-9.15am and return to school for 3pm.  The cost of the trip will be £20.00 which includes activities, insurance, and coach travel. This expense can be paid using the online system. As the school does not have the resources to subsidise non-contributors (other than pupil premium children) it will be necessary for the cost of the visit to be met by voluntary contributions in order for the trip to go ahead.

The event is finished.


Jun 08 2023


9:00 am - 3:15 pm