The school’s governing body is made up of representatives from St Peter’s Church, parents, teachers and members of the community. Together, they are dedicated in their support of the Head Teacher and school staff in ensuring that the children of St Peter’s School have the best possible education and enjoyable school experience. Each governor brings with them various skills from their professional lives, and all are committed to a programme of governor training to further enhance their knowledge.

The role of the governing body is to work with the Head Teacher to agree and monitor the strategy, budget and policies for the school. They meet six times a year to review progress and performance across the school and in these areas.

Governors regularly visit the school to meet with the children and teachers and to share in the life of the school. These visits are used to monitor the progress that the school is making under the leadership of the Senior Management Team. Each governor is a volunteer, keen to commit time to the enhancement of education for the children of St Peter’s School and, whilst very proud of the schools achievements in recent years, governors remain a ‘critical friend’ providing both challenge and support in equal measure.

If you would like to contact any of the governors please do so using their email address listed below

Mrs L Pennington (Foundation Governor) 

Miss S Howard (Staff Governor)

Mrs V Tinsley (Vice Chair)

Mrs K Glover (Foundation)

Mrs C Smith (Parent Governor)

Mr R Simmons (Chair )

Mrs J Bailey (Staff Governor)

Mr M Baker (Foundation Governor)

Mr P Bolstridge (Ex-Officio Headteacher)

Mr J Ingham (Foundation Governor)